Detail of a painted mural on shopfront, Exmouth, 2013. Artist unknown.Gascoyne public art strategy

Gascoyne region, Western Australia

  • Client: Gascoyne Development Commission
  • Role of Artsource: Art Consultant
  • Outcome: An in-depth study and plan for public art
  • Completion date: 2013

The Gascoyne Development Commission approached Artsource to develop a Masterplan for Public Art that will be used to guide developers and local government in commissioning artworks  throughout the region. After extensive consultation with members of the region’s world heritage areas and diverse communities, including cultural groups and the visual arts sector, a curatorial response to the region was developed.

The consultation identified significant indigenous, maritime, pastoral and space/technology and communication narratives and devised a framework around ‘Our Heritage’ and ‘Our Lifestyle’ to structure local stories. Key locations were identified and themes and strategies proposed.

The document identifies and creates a coherent public art vision and sets out how to implement the vision so that the stories told through public art are relevant to the Gascoyne’s settlements and its people, lifestyles and culture.