7 May 2021
Artsource 35th Anniversary - Artist in Residence Funding Success
This year marks the 35th Anniversary the founding of the Fremantle Arts Foundation (FAF) later the Artists’ Foundation of Western Australia Limited, trading as Artsource: The Artist’s Agency of WA, and of the occupancy of the Old Customs House at 8 Phillimore Street, Fremantle.
With this comes reason to celebrate our history, our role and our place in providing: a platform for development and support of many esteemed West Australian artists; a safe haven for artistic work through affordable studios; and in being a key player in the development of Public Art in WA.
We have been successful in securing funding of $11,994 through the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries for an Artist in Residency for Paul Rowe, to create and coordinate celebrations for Artsource’s 35th Anniversary in June 2021.
Historical animateur, singer and performer, Paul Rowe is well known for his roles at many iconic Fremantle venues, including Customs House, PSAS, The Roundhouse and Fremantle Prison. He will develop a theatrical historical promenade telling the story of the building and surrounds.
This artist in residency is a six-week research and creative development project resulting in a theatrical historic promenade and tour. The historical tour will not only explore this iconic landmark and its’ relevance to Fremantle and the state of Western Australia, but it will also narrate the history of Artsource and the relationship of the Arts to Fremantle.
FAF was incorporated as a company limited by guarantee on 9th June 1986, to ensure Artists retained a foothold in the town during the defence of the America’s Cup. The Old Customs House was made available for studios, and during the ensuing years the organisation grew, providing services such as professional development, support, advocacy, discounts, information and advice. FAF changed its name to the Artists' Foundation of Western Australia Ltd (AFWA) in 1992.
Customs House is an important part of the history of customs operations in Western Australia. It is aesthetically and historically linked with Fremantle's maritime history and is one of a number of important buildings built at the tum-of-the-century associated with port and maritime operations.
After a period of downturn caused by COVID, the timing is perfect to celebrate Artsource's history, to bring community together and reignite activity at Old Customs House. This project aligns with our strategic aim to engage artists and audiences in activities that help us understand different perspectives by developing and promoting artistic expression and activities that reflect our Australian cultural diversity.
Events planned include a Celebration Event including a performance and tour, live music, multiple art installations; a community online Kudoboard for the collection of images, memorabilia and stories from Artsource’s history…
This is an exciting opportunity for all interested Artsource members to experiment across-art-forms, collaborate to create some unique experiences; and to learn about the history of the Old Customs House building, heritage and Artsource’s occupancy to the present day.
We welcome your creative ideas and energy: it is your opportunity to contribute and mark this significant occasion. Apply: Email info@artsource.net.au.
With excitement for the future, tinged with nostalgia for the past,
We send you warm and celebratory wishes,
Margaret Teusner
Artsource Chair
This project has been funded by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) Culture and the Arts WA.