29 July 2021
New Board Members
The Board met on Monday 26th July to co-opt three new members. The combined newly elected and the co-opted members offer the ideal balance between young, enthusiastic and committed individuals, and those who possess a deeper corporate knowledge of Artsource and its required technical governance skills.
The Board is keen to increase transparency and give members a greater opportunity to have a say in the strategic direction of our organisation, and to participate in driving some of the new initiatives arising from the successful RISE grant.
We propose holding a special general meeting to fill the two vacant Director positions and elect a new Chair. We encourage all members interested in a role to contact the board via board@artsource.net.au.
We are also pleased to announce the following Board members:
Penny Coss (Acting Chair)
Jerome Davenport (Deputy Chair)
Judy Waugh (Treasurer)
Taylor Denning (Secretary)
Tim Burns
Kassia Ralston
Acting Chair, Penny Coss
Penny has been an engaged Artsource member for 18 years. She has a long and detailed knowledge of the organisation as a whole and previously served on the Board as a Director. Coss was co-founder and Board member of the Art Collective WA where she continues to exhibit and has sustained a committed practice expanding over two decades.
Treasurer, Judy Waugh
Judy has an extensive not-for-profit governance background and recent valuable experience as Board Secretary/Treasurer with Artsource to provide immediate and critical organisational continuity. Judy also has extensive experience in governance.
Kassia Ralston
Kassia has experience in governance in the community sector and is connected across engineering industries including resources, defence, technology, design, local government, infrastructure, and education. Kassia is a volunteer industry mentor for migrant, Indigenous, and female students, supporting them in the early stages of their career.
The Artsource Board would sincerely like to thank the following outgoing Board members for their service and expertise:
Margaret Teusner
Rachel Hains-Wesson
Melissa Langdon
Vincent Allegre
Will Axten
The Artsource Board would also like to thank recently resigned staff members and acknowledge their commitment and time given to the organisation:
Leah Robbie
Sue Lyn Aldrian-Moyle
Saara Nyman
Rose Barton
Kristie Rowe
The Artsource Board