“The work that Artsource does to support visual artists such as myself is crucial, and the donations made by the patrons make a huge difference.”
Miik Green, Artsource Member + Patron
Making a difference
As an Artsource Patron, you will make a real and lasting difference to the careers of over 900 artists in Western Australia. Our patrons are immersed in exhibitions, talks, and events throughout the year that showcase the rich artistic culture that they contribute to.
Join us today at any of these tiers:
PLATINUM PATRONS: $80/month or $1,000/year
GOLD PATRONS: $50/month or $625/year
SILVER PATRONS: $30/month or $375/year
Anyone is welcome to join us as a Platinum, Gold or Silver Patron. However, if you are under 35 and need a more affordable alternative you might consider joining as a Young Patron from just $20/month.
YOUNG PATRONS: $20/month or $250/year
Become a Patron today
The contribution made by our Patrons is invaluable, so thank you for joining us. Artsource Patrons receive a quarterly newsletter with the latest news from our Artist Studios, Exhibitions and Events. Throughout the year, PAtron events such as exhibitions and ArtWalks are a great networking opportunity with fellow supporters.
It’s easy to sign-up:
Post: Simply download and print this form (PDF), complete your details and send it to us in the mail.
Phone: Call us on (08) 9335 8366. Our office is open between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday.
Tax deductibility
Artsource has Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status, so all donations over $2 are tax deductible. Patrons paying monthly will be provided with a receipt at the end of the tax year covering their combined donations. Patrons paying annually will be provided with a donation receipt immediately.
Thank you
Every $1 we receive is important. Whether you are joining as an Artsource Patron or making a one-off donation, your contribution and support is invaluable to Artsource and the wider artistic community. How your support helps >

Platinum Patron renewal form here
Other renewal form here