Artsource Global City Residency
Basel, Switzerland
Poised on the banks of the Rhine River, Basel is the cultural capital of Switzerland and an entry point to the rest of Europe. It is a perfect place for an artist residency. Since 1989, Artsource has partnered with the Atelier Mondial to offer artists from both countries a unique opportunity to enrich and develop their art practices.
2019 Applications
Includes use of a self-contained, live-in studio apartment at Atelier Mondial in Dreispitz.
Duration of Residency: four months
Funding provided: A$19,220 (ex. GST) artist fee + travel. Accommodation costs are paid directly by Artsource to Atelier Mondial. Supported by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries.
Residency Dates: July to October 2019
Applications are closed
Eligibility + Requirements
Applicants must be Australian citizens or have Australian permanent resident status.
Applicants must be Western Australian residents and have resided in Western Australia for at least 24 consecutive months prior to the application.
Applicants must be professional practising visual artists and recognised as such by their peers.
Applicants must have maintained an independent professional practice for at least 10 years.
Students are ineligible to apply.
Late applications will not be accepted. Applications must be received by 5pm on the closing date (applications postmarked by this date are eligible).
The recipient of this residency will be a representative of the State of Western Australia.
Find out more
To check application and eligibility requirements, ask questions and get a form, please contact us:
Artsource is developing additional Global City Residencies to create new opportunities for members and foster the visual arts in our state. Our goal is to develop and offer a range of quality residencies, of varying lengths, open to artists at different stages in their careers. Fundraising has begun and ideas for potential destinations and support are welcome. Please contact us:
Caspar Fairhall is the thirtieth artist to undertake the coveted residency with Atelier Mondial in Basel. From July 2018, Caspar spent four months in this European cultural centre, researching and developing an interactive video work that explored the geologically youthful Apline region around Basel in contrast to the ancient geology of the Pilbara.
Caspar Fairhall, Accretion Room, Moana Project Space, 2015. Image courtesy of the artist.
Brad Rimmer is is our 2017 recipient of the Global City Basel Residency. He is interested in how our past, our experiences and our emotions shape us. During his six-week residency, Brad produced a substantial body of images exploring new ideas and directions in his photographic practice. Read Brad's Residency Reflection in the Artsource Magazine >

Brad Rimmer, View from Rifflhorn #5, 2017. Image courtesy of the artist.
Jennifer Cochrane, is the recipient of the 2016 Artsource Basel Exchange Residency. Click here to see Jennifer in the Artist gallery and read more about her work here.
Image above: Jennifer Cochrane, Steel Stack with tree, steel, 2015. Photographer: K. Maxwell
Supported By
Department of Culture and the Arts, Christoph Merian Foundation of Basel, Switzerland and the Atelier Mondial.

Previous Basel Exchange Residency recipients
The Basel Residency began in 1989 as an annual reciprocal exchange residency with a six-month stay for recipients in the Artsource Fremantle Artist Studio or at Atelier Mondial, Basel.
To Basel from WA
To Fremantle from Basel
Mary Dudin
Jurek Wybraniec
Daniel Goettin
Cecile Williams
Bruno Seitz
Kevin Draper
Markus Grossenbacher
Susan Flavell
Tobias Sauter
Steve Tepper & Anne Neil
Andrea Iten
Rodney Glick
Jean Zuber
Jenny Loverock
Maren & Christian Schaffner
Angela Stewart
Daniel Siegenthaler
Kevin Wattling
Hansueli Babler
Trevor Richards
Adriano Biondo
Rick Vermey
Edit Oderbulz
Lorenna Grant
Simone Fuchs
Perdita Phillips
Martin Blum + Haimo Ganz
Stuart Ringholt
Andreas Hagenbach
Matthew Hunt
Rahel Schneider
Paul Hinchliffe
Walter Derungs
Alex Spremberg
Gian-Cosimo Bove
Indra Geidans
Judith Waelti
Koral + Stripe
Peter Spillmann + Susanne Schaer
Tom Muller
Claudio Rasano
Rina Franz
Vicente Brucker
Kate McMillan
Barbara Meier
Joshua Webb
Anita Kuratle
Minaxi May
Jochen Kitzbihler
Paul Caporn
Zora Kreuzer
Theo Koning
Katrin Herzner
Jennifer Cochrane
Gert Handschin