Woven from Straw & Systematic Intuition
A double exhibition from Artsource Fremantle/Basel Residency Exchange artists.
OPENING: 6pm Friday 7 September 2018.
WHEN: 11am to 5pm Thursday to Sunday, 8 to 30 September 2018
WHERE: Old Customs House, 8 Phillimore Street, Fremantle
COST: n/a
'Woven from Straw' by Theo Koning appears alongside 'Systematic Intuition' by Gert Handschin in this double exhibition from these Artsource Fremantle/Basel Residency Exchange artists, presenting their complementary series of complex works resulting from seemingly simple interventions.
In 1989, the Basel Residency began as an annual reciprocal exchange residency with a six-month stay for recipients in the Artsource Fremantle Artist Studio or at Atelier Mondial, Basel, Switzerland. As one of the first studio artists at Artsource and the 2015 Basel exchange recipient, Fremantle local, Theo Koning, has been a regular of the unofficial welcoming committee for the visiting Swiss artists, including Gert Handschin in 2016. What began as a Wednesday night tradition over snooker at the Buffalo Club, has seen working relationships formed and explored in a chance series of Basel/Fremantle artists exhibitions at Salon Mondial, and now at Old Customs House for the first time.
Woven from Straw
Theo Koning
Theo's sculptural assemblages, created mainly from found wooden objects, driftwood and papermache with gesso, explore the formal spatial concerns of abstract sculpture. Through a process of juxtaposition, addition and subtraction, employing stacking, balancing form and negative spaces, the materials form a relationship to create works that are curious and questioning.
Theo Koning,
Woven from Straw, 2018
Systematic Intution
Gert Handschin
Gert Handschin is guided by practical considerations, which he brings with his perception in an emotional equilibrium. Consciously and unconsciously, his works incorporate a whole series of complementarities: surface and space, light and darkness, inside and outside, front and back, lightness and weight, positive and negative, whole and detail. His work is almost like a proof that the body, the space is already created in the area. But his interventions are not guided by mathematical thinking. The understanding of the impact defines the felt results. The usually simple, seemingly obvious figure is based on a more complex concept - a mixture of systematics and feeling.
Gert Handschin lässt sich leiten von praktischen Erwägungen, die er mit seiner Wahrnehmung in ein gefühlsmäßiges Gleichgewicht bringt. Bewusst und unbewusst fließen in seine Arbeiten eine ganze Reihe von Komplementaritäten ein: Fläche und Raum, Licht und Dunkelheit, Innen und Außen, Vorne und Hinten, Leichtigkeit und Schwere, Positiv und Negativ, Ganzes und Ausschnitthaftes. Seine Arbeit ist fast wie ein Beweis dafür, dass der Körper, der Raum schon in der Fläche angelegt ist. Doch seine Eingriffe sind nicht geleitet von einem mathematischen Denken. Bestimmend für die Ergebnisse ist das Gespür für die Wirkung. Der meist einfachen, wie selbstverständlich erscheinenden Gestalt liegt eine komplexere Konzeption zugrunde – eine Mischung aus Systematik und Gefühl.
Gert Handschin, Systematic Intuition, 2018
Opening Event Sponsors