World Day Against Death Penalty: GUILTY Screening
Film Screening
The final 72-hours in the life of Myuran Sukumaran, the Bali-9 convicted criminal who became an accomplished artist on death row under the tutorship of artist Ben Quilty.
WHEN: 6.00pm Wednesday 10 October 2018
WHERE: Theatrette, Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth Cultural Centre, Roe St, Perth WA 6000
COST: n/a
In support of organisations working towards global abolition, on World Day Against the Death Penalty 10 October 2018 - GUILTY will hold a national screenings event at which the filmmakers and prominent human rights advocates speak to the issue of capital punishment.
The final 72-hours in the life of Myuran Sukumaran, the Bali-9 convicted criminal who became an accomplished artist on death row under the tutorship of artist Ben Quilty. Clinical preparations for capital punishment contrast with Myuran’s indomitable spirit as he creates some of his most powerful artworks before his execution by an Indonesian firing squad on Nusa Kambangan Island, 29 April 2015.
This event is hosted by Art Gallery of Western Australia and Artsource. Please register for this 'home-theatre' style viewing, as spaces are limited.