Olga Cironis
Olga Cironis was born to Greek parents in Czechoslovakia in 1963. Her parents had been moved to relative safety there, as children, during the Greek Civil War (1946-1949) and had met, married and remained there until 1971. When the Czech government offered assisted repatriation to Greek citizens, the family immigrated to Sydney.
Olga’s works articulate the experience of Otherness, hers and that of those she encounters, but any clear narrative is prevented by carefully constructed ambiguity. This is usually achieved through a disturbing interplay between material, form and text.
Olga will pursue the rare opportunity to be mentored by a well-known international curator to develop the artist’s networks and establish herself as an international artist.
Latest update
By Olga Cironis
From September 2014 I have begun organising my travel to Greece to continue my art work and follow up on some exhibition contacts through Eyvah Dafaranos.
I have been in constant contact with Eyvah Dafaranos, after her return to Canberra early October. Greek Consulate in Perth Sofia Choli has also been of great support for my contacts in Greece and intermediary with Mrs Dafaranos.
I was planning to meet with Eyvah early last month of October in Canberra, but my solo show at PCP titled Listening under water was being installed and I needed to have images of the work for Canberra before I met with Eyvah.
Now with the exhibition packed up, I will be meeting with Eyvah sometime in the next month with art work from the exhibition, to discuss it being exhibited in Canberra including Greece Thessaloniki and possibly Turkey.
Mrs Dafaranos has requested that I include work from Into the Woods Alone a solo exhibition I had at Turner Gallery in 2013 to be exhibited in Canberra for the ANZAC Centenary 2015 but this needs to be discussed further as soon as I receive quotes for transport and packing which is happening this week through Pack and Send in Bibra Lake.
Mrs Dafaranos will be contacting me sometime this week to discuss where to go from here, as I have only emailed her information on my recent show Listening under water last week and forwarded her more information on Into The Woods Alone last week as she requested.
By end of November I will know dates for exhibiting in Canberra and final dates for returning to Thessaloniki and Athens in Greece. Mrs Dafaranos will not be in Thessaloniki but possibly Athens. I cannot confirm any dates at the moment, as I need to plan around Photographic Gallery of Thessaloniki, weather and Mrs Dafaranos schedule.

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Olga will pursue the rare opportunity to be mentored by a well-known international curator to develop the artist’s networks and establish herself as an international artist. - See more at: http://www.artsource.net.au/Artist-Services/Ignite-Initiative#sthash.6mrGd7ZQ.dpuf