2 April 2015

A New Year, A New ArtConnect (2015)

We’re off to a running start in 2015 and are pleased to kick off a brand new year with the first edition of the rebooted ArtConnect e-newsletter. ArtConnect will now feature a preview of our ArtLease collection, and news on our latest Consulting projects and other highlights from WA art projects.

2014 was a great year as we initiated a dynamic new Consulting team, delivered a wide range of projects throughout the year, and underwent a major review. Heading into 2015 we have refocussed our work to provide practical career-building support to our members, encourage collaboration between artists, our colleagues and our clients, deliver projects with artistic integrity, and advocate for processes that are fair to artists and deliver quality outcomes.

Meaningful collaboration is increasingly recognised as a valuable modus operandi in visual arts and beyond. Our Featured Project this month, the Ellenbrook District Open Space project, highlights one of Perth’s most successful and long-running collaborations in public art between Philip and Dawn Gamblen.

Another valuable form of collaboration is mentorship, which is excitingly becoming a more regular component of our projects and allows us to support artists moving into public art or other new directions in their practice. We are pleased to see the mentorship of emerging public artists in our Point Street, Fremantle public art project, as well as in major artworks for the new Ronald McDonald House, Rosewood Aged Care Facility and more. Stay tuned for updates on these projects in future editions.

In addition to in-project artist mentorship, we offer guidance and feedback to our members and associates when submitting tenders and applications for public art commissions. Once again, we’re offering our popular year-long Public Art Masterclass series for artists interested in moving into public art or in honing their skills and expertise in applying for, and delivering public art projects.

If you are interested in learning more about our Consulting services, projects, or opportunities, or if you’d simply like to discuss an issue that you think is important to the visual arts community, please don’t hesitate to contact us; we’d love to hear from you.